Monday, October 10, 2011

Fresh Starts

Wow...have I been slacking on the blogging or what!?  Lets give this another whirl...maybe I need to have someone to remind me about this.  Any takers? :)  Well, here are some of the fresh starts in my life right now.
-Ellis just headed back to the sand box.  I guess this wouldn't be a fresh start, but we have to start this whole learning to be apart thing all over again.
-My new Etsy store...check it out, I mean if you want. :)
-My new Facebook page...check it out too, I mean...if you are already checking out they Etsy store, why not? :)
-Let's not forget the blog!

I guess I don't have as many new things as I thought...oh well I suppose.  I do need to be going but I will have a picture update soon of the last few months.  I figure that would be easier than trying to write it all out. :)

Take care and God bless you.

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