Monday, June 13, 2011


Ten days since I said goodbye to Ellis and it feels like a LIFETIME.  At least when he was in Texas we were able to talk almost every day plus...I just feel like I can't going again.  I think about all the things I have to do tomorrow and part of me wishes I could crawl under a rock and stay there for awhile.  I'm looking forward to the Ladies Bazaar at church on the 25th...thats how I get through times like these.  I pick something to look forward to and focus on it.  I cant imagine what Eli feels like...I realize that he has been away from his dad more than he has been with him, but I know that he changes just a little bit every time we say goodbye to Ellis.  I wonder if that will happen every time...Anyway, I feel like going to bed.  So I'm going to.  Sorry to be kinda a debby downer tonight, but I just feel blah right now. :)  And I did smile when I wrote no worries.  Talk to you all tomorrow.

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